100 Day Challenge: Days 11-20

July 25, 2011 at 5:23 pm (Challenges)

Here are my next 10 days. I’m a little behind on the posting, but I promise I have not skipped a day! You can see where I started doing one-sided as opposed to two.




  1. katyoparty said,

    Enjoying seeing your latest days! Looks like you are experimenting with techniques and ideas and that is the beautiful thing about 100 days–you have to keep trying new things! Have fun!

  2. rasz said,

    Your pics are great! The Challenge sounds fun…now I am pondering…uh-ohh!

    Did you decide on one sided or two sided?

    • modifiedskittle said,

      You should try it! It is fun. I actually decided to go for one-sided. I have an end vision in mind to incorporate them all in a larger piece of canvas art. I’m excited.

  3. Leilani Pierson said,

    oh they are lovely! keep up the great work! 🙂 xo

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