100 Days – Half way there

August 9, 2011 at 3:22 pm (Challenges)

Well today is day 50… Wow! In a way I feel like I just started and in the same breath it feels like it is dragging on. I would be lying if I said I did not enjoy it, but I would also be lying if I said I actually wanted to do it everyday. I have surprised myself in doing a card everyday even when I went out of town. There were days I felt like skipping and on those days my laziness showed through and others I surprised myself with what I could do. I am excited because on day 50 I feel like I have finally made some progress, but I still remember that I have 50 more to go. Though I feel like rewarding myself with a break of sorts, I will not. I will keep on creating for another 50 days at which point I just might be drained of creativity  but until then, I look forward to the final outcome. Enjoy! And thanks for keeping up.


  1. katyoparty said,

    Congratulations on being halfway! I especially like the quote on number 44! Keep pushin on!

  2. modifiedskittle said,

    Thanks! I’m keeping on!

  3. Thea said,

    congrats on your progress!
    i was thinking of joining in on this… but wondered if it was still going on.
    think I’ll go get a pad of 3×5 cards and join in.
    thanks for the inspiration 😎

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